Step One - Log In

- Go to “Administration” under the Faculty180 menu on the left side of the screen. Click
on “Reports” - Head to the “Activity Reports” section of the Reports page and click “Activity Input
Step Two - Fill Out Each Section of the Report

Under “General” click the change button to update your unit.
- For “Form” choose Activity Input Form for Evaluations
- “Activity” is defaulted to Summary to capture all sections of the form.
- You can change the activity to pull a specific section of the form as well
- Select your “Begin” and “End” semesters
- Select the “Display Mode” (defaulted to “Count Only”)
For the “Faculty” section make sure your unit and the timeframe are accurate. You can change the parameters by clicking the “Select Faculty” button.
“Details” is to run logic for any Activity Classifications active in Interfolio Faculty 180. More than one can run at once as well.
Step Three - Complete the Report

- Click the “Build Report” button to create the report.
- Click the Actions button to select the Print, Export, or Graphing option to use in the