Texas A&M University and The Association of Former Students have selected 24 outstanding faculty and staff to be honored with the 2022 Distinguished Achievement Awards. Since 1955 the Distinguished Achievement Awards have been awarded to those who exhibit the highest standards of excellence at Texas A&M.
The Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement award honors Texas A&M faculty and staff members in the categories of teaching, research, individual student enagement, graduate mentoring, administration, staff, and extension/outreach/continuing education/professional development.
The selection process for this award is rigorous, with the recipients chosen by a campus-wide committee composed of faculty, staff, students, and former students. The award is a testimony to the esteem in which colleagues hold the recipients.
In recognition of their achievements, each recipient will receive a cash gift, an engraved watch, and a commemorative plaque.
The 2022 awardees are:
Karen Cornell, Dean's Office, Professional Programs, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Extension, Outreach, Continuing Education, and Professional Development
David Kerns '85, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Graduate Mentoring
Sarbajit Banerjee, Department of Chemistry, College of Science
Junuthula Reddy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Individual Student Engagement
Chris Skaggs, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Apostolos Vasilakis, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
Tingwen Huang '02, Science Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar
Bhimanagouda Patil '94, Department of Horticultural Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Stratos Pistikopoulos, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
Libo Shan, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Luis Tedeschi, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Kausalai Wijekumar, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture, College of Education and Human Development
Judy Nunez, Dean’s Office, College of Geosciences
Kelly Pampell, Finance, Mays Business School
Daniel Alge, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
Troy Bickham, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
Lei-Shih Chen '07, Department of Health & Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development
Daniel Collins, Department of Chemistry, College of Science
Kerri Gehring '86, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Tracy Hammond, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
Ariun Ishdorj, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Mohammad Nutan, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy
Matt Pharr, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Jennifer Whitfield '00, Department of Mathematics, College of Science
For more information about the Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award click here.